Search Engine
  Search Engine quarterly statistics
  New quarterly statistics out from Nielsen//NetRatings show that AOL and Ask Jeeves had double-digit growth in the number of searches they handled, though the total number of searches handled by the major players left these other services far behind.
First the numbers:
Search Engine Q1 2005 (Millions) Q2 2005 (Millions) Change (Millions) % Change
Google 5,737,097 6,088,343 351,246 6%
Yahoo 2,576,473 2,798,123 221,650 9%
MSN 1,659,235 1,590,049 -69,186 -4%
AOL 562,816 646,641 83,825 15%
Ask 216,656 250,869 34,213 16%
Others 1,511,488 1,475,096 -36,392 -2%
Overall 12,263,765 12,849,121 585,356 5%
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