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  Google AdWords
Google AdWords launched in 2000. In February of 2002, Google relaunched AdWords selling the ads in an auction model similar to Overture's, but also adding ad clickthrough rate in as a factor in the ad rankings. Google AdWords are found on the right hand column, and are distributed to partners AOL, Ask Jeeves, Netscape, and others.

Affiliates and other web entrepreneurs quickly took to AdWords because the precise targeting and great reach made it easy to make great profits from the comfort of your own business.

Over time, as AdWords became more popular and more mainstream marketers adopted it, Google began closing some holes in their AdWords product. For example, to fight off noise and keep their ads as relevant as possible, they disallowed double serving of ads to one website.

Yahoo! Search Marketing
Yahoo! Search Marketing is the rebranded name for Overture after Yahoo! bought them out. As of September 2006 their platform is generally the exact same as the old Overture platform, with the same flaws - ad click through rate (CTR) not factored into click cost.

In 1998 MSN Search was launched, but Microsoft did not get serious about search until after Google proved the business model. Until Microsoft saw the light they primarily relied on partners like Overture, L ooksmart, and Inktomi to power their search service.
They launched their technology preview of their search engine around July 1st of 2004. They formally switched from Yahoo! organic search results to their own in house technology on January 31st, 2005. MSN announced they dumped Yahoo!'s search ad program on May 4th, 2006.
On September 11, 2006, Microsoft announced they were launching their Live Search product.

Miva is one of largest PPC engine, and can often times be a great PPC engine to use. Miva syndicates its advertisers results to a slew and 2nd and 3rd tier engines. Often times keywords can be purchased for a much lower price on FindWhat due to the less competitive nature of this engine.

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